Sunday, November 1, 2015

Detecting Lies In Body Language (part 2 of 2)

Eye Movements

The eyes are the loudest channel of honesty and lies. Eye movements that may indicate lying include lateral movement, squinting, frequent blinking, and looking away. Pupil dilation also occurs during a state of tension, but this is not easy to observe. For ages, it was believed that the inability to hold one's gaze for a long time indicates lying. However, many people are already aware of this and practice over time how to lie even with eye contact.

Body and Posture Discrepancies

A person may cover up lies through confident facial expressions and voice pitch and volume, however their body can reveal dishonesty. Fidgeting, shakiness, trembling of the hands, body stiffness, shuffling of the feet, and jitters are typical indicators of lying, but they are not that definitive or reliable. Gestures showing the palm indicates sincerity. But in lying, the palms are rarely seen and are usually inside their pockets. As a defensive posture and protection, one would tend to cross his arms across his chest. Liars are also prone to sweating, increasing heart rate, breathing deeper, and being pale.

Other Clues Of Lying

Aside from those stated above, there are several more indicators of lying. However, they are less reliable in detection of dishonesty. Among them are forced smiles, slight tightening of the forehead between the eyebrows, lip biting, hand shrugs, movement of the Adam's apple, delay of answers or response, flaring of nostrils, tighter lips, elbows pulled to the sides, tilting head movements, inability to concentrate on other things, and other unnatural gestures.

This is the art of understanding body language. Even though sometimes unreliable, several different gestures can tell you how sincere and honest a person is to you. Simply look for the typical signs of lying and detect dishonesty instantly.

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